Twenty-three MIT faculty members have been appointed to named professorships. All are effective July 1, 2007.
Professor Edward H. Adelson of brain and cognitive sciences will hold a five-year John and Dorothy Wilson Professorship. John J. Wilson (S.B. 1929, S.M. 1930), a life member of the MIT Corporation since 1958, established the professorship.
Assistant Professor Sandy Alexandre of the literature section in the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences will hold the three-year Class of 1948 Career Development Professorship, established by the Class in celebration of its 40th reunion.
Assistant Professor Markus J. Buehler of civil and environmental engineering will hold an Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Career Development Professorship for a three-year term. The Edgerton professorships were established in 1973 by the MIT Corporation to honor the Edgertons.
Associate Professor Ian Condry of the foreign language and literature section in the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences will be the next holder of the three-year Mitsui Career Development Professorship. The Mitsui Group established the Mitsui Chairs in 1980 to encourage cultural and technological exchange between the United States and Japan.
Assistant Professor Alexander D'Hooghe will be the next holder of the Class of 1922 Career Development Professorship for a three-year term.
Professor Jesus A. del Alamo of electrical engineering and computer science will hold the five-year Donner Professorship, established with a grant from the Donner Foundation in 1945.
Assistant Professor Vivek Goyal of electrical engineering and computer science will hold an Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Career Development Professorship for a three-year term. The Edgerton professorships were established in 1973 by the MIT Corporation to honor the Edgertons.
Assistant Professor Michael Hemann of biology will hold the three-year Latham Family Career Development Professorship, established by Allen Latham Jr. (S.B. 1930) and his wife, Ruth.
Associate Professor Dina Katabi of electrical engineering and computer science will hold the Class of 1947 Career Development Professorship for a three-year term.
Assistant Professor Manolis Kellis of electrical engineering and computer science is the next holder of the three-year Van Tassel Career Development Professorship. Van Tassel, a member of the Class of 1925, established the chair in 1986.
Assistant Professor Katherine C. Kellogg of MIT Sloan will hold the Class of 1954 Career Development Professorship for a three-year term. The Class established this chair in celebration of its 40th reunion.
Assistant Professor Michael T. Laub of biology will be the Whitehead Career Development Professor for a three-year term.
Professor Richard Locke of MIT Sloan was selected as a Class of 1960 Fellow for a two-year term; he won a Class of 1960 Innovation in Education Award.
Associate Professor John Maeda of the MIT Media Lab was selected as a Class of 1960 Fellow for a two-year term; he also won a Class of 1960 Innovation in Education Award.
Professor Dianne Newman of biology will hold a five-year John and Dorothy Wilson Professorship, established in the 1960s by John J. Wilson (S.B. 1929, S.M. 1930), a life member of the MIT Corporation since 1958.
Professor Jonas Peters of chemistry will hold the W.M. Keck Professorship of Energy for a five-year term. The Keck Foundation established the professorship.
Professor Ram Sasisekharan of biological engineering will hold the five-year Underwood-Prescott Professorship of Toxicology, established in 1972 by a gift from the Underwood Company.
Associate Professor Jay Scheib of the music and theater arts section in the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences will hold the three-year Class of 1958 Career Development Professorship, established by the Class of 1958 in celebration of its 25th reunion.
Assistant Professor Gabriella Sciolla of physics will hold the Cecil and Ida Green Career Development Professorship for a three-year term. Cecil, a member of the Class of 1923, and Ida Green established the professorship.
Professor Gigliola Staffilani of mathematics is the next holder of the five-year Abby Rockefeller Mauze Professorship, established in 1963 by Laurence Rockefeller and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
Professor Donca Steriade of linguistics will hold the five-year Class of 1941 Professorship, established by the Class of 1941 in celebration of its 40th reunion.
Assistant Professor Collin Stultz of electrical engineering and computer science will hold the W.M. Keck Career Development Professorship for a three-year term. The Keck Foundation established the professorship.
Assistant Professor Katrin Wehrheim of mathematics will hold the Rockwell International Career Development Professorship for a three-year term. The Rockwell International Corporation Trust endowed the Rockwell Professorship in 1985.
A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on September 26, 2007 (download PDF).