Ball-and-claw baseball bats, featuring Gothic styling, were created by MIT Hobby Shop instructor Hayami Arakawa. The Hobby Shop was featured in the October 2007 edition of American Woodworker magazine, including colorful photos and Director Ken Stone's written history of the 69-year-old shop. The facility is located in the basement of 120 Massachusetts Ave., Building W31, on the corner of Vassar Street. Photo courtesy / American Woodworker Magazine Open image gallery
The “PRoC3S” method helps an LLM create a viable action plan by testing each step in a simulation. This strategy could eventually aid in-home robots to complete more ambiguous chore requests.
In a recent commentary, a team from MIT, Equality AI, and Boston University highlights the gaps in regulation for AI models and non-AI algorithms in health care.
New products presented at the 2.009 prototype launch included a crash-detecting bicycle helmet, an augmented reality mask for divers, and a respirator for wildland firefighters.