President Susan Hockfield (far left) and her husband, Thomas Byrne, help serve a late-night brunch of eggs, sausage, ham, fruit and other traditional breakfast fare to students in Lobdell Dining Hall Sunday night, Dec. 12 from 10 to 11:30 p.m. The "breakfast" provided fuel for the late-night studying that usually accompanies final exams, which began today. Mechanical engineering seniors Jason Martinez (far right) and Marissa Jacovich seemed surprised but happy to be served by their new president. Photo / Donna Coveney
The “PRoC3S” method helps an LLM create a viable action plan by testing each step in a simulation. This strategy could eventually aid in-home robots to complete more ambiguous chore requests.
In a recent commentary, a team from MIT, Equality AI, and Boston University highlights the gaps in regulation for AI models and non-AI algorithms in health care.