A symposium in memory of the late Institute Professor Emeritus Herman Feshbach will be held Friday and Saturday, May 18-19, in Rm 10-250. It will begin with remarks by Professor Marc Kastner, head of the physics department, at 1:30pm on Friday.
Professor Feshbach, who died on December 22, 2000 (see MIT Tech Talk, January 10), had a major impact for more than half a century at MIT in shaping modern nuclear physics and educating generations of theoretical physicists. He was also a champion of scientific freedom and opportunity and was concerned about the military application of nuclear physics.
The symposium's program will be divided between the topics of "Herman Feshbach and Public Service" and "Herman Feshbach and Directions in Nuclear Physics." Speakers will include Professors Ernest Moniz, Heather Lechtman and Paul Gray, Institute Professor Mildred Dresselhaus and Institute Professor Emeritus Francis Low.
The event is free and open to the public.
A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on May 16, 2001.