On Friday, May 5 from 1-6pm, the Engineering Systems Division (ESD) will host "Policy Studies in Engineering Education -- A Tribute to Professor Richard de Neufville" in Wong Auditorium (Rm E51-115).
The event honors Dr. de Neufville, professor of engineering systems and civil and environmental engineering, who is stepping down as founding chair of the Technology and Policy Program after 25 years. The program is one of ESD's educational programs.
Topics of the May 5 event, which is open to the MIT community, will include the role of integrated technology and policy education, the implementation of policy education at MIT, and the importance of a policy capability in the engineering profession. Speakers will include faculty members and Technology and Policy Program alumni as well as Chancellor Lawrence Bacow and Daniel Roos, ESD director and associate dean for engineering systems.
Professor de Neufville, who earned three civil engineering degrees at MIT (SB 1960, SM, PhD), will be on sabbatical next year at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, and Oxford University's Balliol College.
A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on April 26, 2000.