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Jacobson to give talk on electronic books, paper

The Media Laboratory's next Perspectives lecture will be given by Joseph Jacobson, Assistant Professor of Media Arts and Sciences, on "Electronic Books and Electronic Paper." The lecture, which is open to the public, will be Tuesday, March 18 at 5pm in the Bartos Theater (Building E15).

Professor Jacobson will talk about the current status, future directions and implications of his work on new display technologies that underlie the development of the "one-book" library. "Imagine an electronic book where you press a button, wait a few seconds and you're reading Jane Eyre on real paper," he said. "Close the book, press the button again, wait a few seconds and you are reading today's Chicago Tribune on those same pages."

The program begun by Professor Jacobson aims to develop electronic books with pages consisting of electronically addressable, multiply writable displays formed on paper. His larger research area is micromedia, which embeds useful and unexpected capabilities in everyday things (such as paper, eyeglasses, fabrics or paints) by employing micro-mechanical systems fabrication. He received the PhD in physics at MIT in 1992.

A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on March 12, 1997.

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