Capsid of HIV-1 behaves like cell’s cargo receptor to enter the nucleus
Biologists demonstrate that HIV-1 capsid acts like a Trojan horse to pass viral cargo across the nuclear pore.
Biologists demonstrate that HIV-1 capsid acts like a Trojan horse to pass viral cargo across the nuclear pore.
Associate Professor Lydia Bourouiba and artist Argha Manna take readers through a series of discoveries in infectious disease.
MIT professor combines nanoscience and viruses to develop solutions in energy, environment, and medicine.
Human volunteers will soon begin receiving an HIV vaccine that contains an adjuvant developed in Irvine’s lab, which helps to boost B cell responses to the vaccine.
While useful for killing pathogens including SARS-CoV-2, the lights may cause unwanted chemical reactions and should be used with ventilation, researchers say.
Chemists discover the structures of open and closed states of the channel, which could help the development of antiviral drugs to reduce inflammation.
Biology graduate student Tong Zhang has spent the last two years learning the intricacies of how bacteria protect themselves.
Aided by machine learning, scientists are working to develop a vaccine that would be effective against all SARS-CoV-2 strains.
Test that measures a person’s antibodies requires a drop of blood and takes just 10 minutes to show results.
Developed by the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, the assay can provide new details about the type of SARS-CoV-2 circulating in a community.
Prokaryotes can detect hallmark viral proteins and trigger cell death through a process seen across all domains of life.
Institute Professor honored for groundbreaking work in nucleic acid delivery and nanoparticles.
Using this diagnostic, doctors could avoid prescribing antibiotics in cases where they won’t be effective.
Tiny Tides is an automated fast-flow instrument that can synthesize peptide-nucleic acids in a single shot.
Using a new robotic platform, researchers can simultaneously track hundreds of microbial populations as they evolve new proteins or other molecules.