Three Lincoln Laboratory inventions named IEEE Milestones
Achievements in air traffic control, microelectronics, and lasers are recognized for their lasting benefit to humanity.
Achievements in air traffic control, microelectronics, and lasers are recognized for their lasting benefit to humanity.
MIT.nano Immersion Lab works with AR/VR startup to create transcontinental medical instruction.
Daron Acemoglu, David Autor, and Simon Johnson, faculty co-directors of the new MIT Shaping the Future of Work Initiative, describe why the work matters and what they hope to achieve.
Lincoln Laboratory–developed Timely Address Space Randomization (TASR) was transferred to two commercial providers of cloud-based services.
After acquiring data science and AI skills from MIT, Jospin Hassan shared them with his community in the Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi and built pathways for talented learners.
A piano that captures the data of live performance offers the MIT community new possibilities for studying and experimenting with music.
Over $1 million in prize funding available for tech-enabled solutions to the 2024 Global Challenges.
Dermatologists and general practitioners are somewhat less accurate in diagnosing disease in darker skin, a new study finds. Used correctly, AI may be able to help.
Nine open-access books cross 10,000 reads threshold, bringing total for Direct to Open titles to almost 425,000.
Although artificial intelligence in health has shown great promise, pressure is mounting for regulators around the world to act, as AI tools demonstrate potentially harmful outcomes.
To make the new entertainment venue a reality, Jared Miller ’98, MBA ’03, SM ’03 assembled a team that reflected his experience at MIT.
MIT CSAIL researchers develop advanced machine-learning models that outperform current methods in detecting pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
An interdisciplinary team of researchers thinks health AI could benefit from some of the aviation industry’s long history of hard-won lessons that have created one of the safest activities today.
Kathryn Wysocki Gunsch, the museum’s deputy director, will serve as interim director until Gorman takes up his post this summer.
The MIT Student Research Program pairs underrepresented students with opportunities to examine inequity through the IDSS Initiative for Combatting Systemic Racism.