Open Education on the Move: An Interview with Vijay Kumar
Director of MIT's Office of Educational Innovation and Technology (OEIT) discusses some of the key concepts propelling the open education movement.
Disruptive innovation — in education
For Anant Agarwal, MITx, the Institute’s new online-learning initiative, isn’t just a means of democratizing education. It’s a way to reinvent it.
MIT Professor Shigeru Miyagawa named award recipient by the OCW Consortium
Professor Miyagawa recognized with other leaders of the global OpenCourseWare movement.
MIT OpenCourseWare teams up with Flat World Knowledge to combine free texts and free course materials
Collaboration among open education innovators creates rich learning opportunities for independent learners.
International Open Access Week is October 24-30
MIT celebrates efforts to increase access to research and scholarship worldwide.
From Globe and Gates to Google and Guardian: Nods to MIT's 150th
Special Boston Globe magazine on MIT at 150 published Sunday; search-engine giant and U.K. newspaper post pieces about the Institute's impact
Digital library partnership gives MIT access to additional online resources
Search the full-text of 8.4 million digitized volumes, and get full online access to 2.2 million volumes in the public domain, through the HathiTrust Digital Library.
A decade of OCW benefits: Bringing knowledge to the street
Using OCW in support of community development.
In the open
Hundreds of scholarly articles are now freely available online thanks to MIT’s landmark Open Access policy.
Hockfield says research universities must help cultivate science, math teachers
At a Brookings Institution event, the MIT president warns U.S. STEM-education gap to have ‘disastrous consequences’ on nation.
MIT OpenCourseWare reaches 2,000-course milestone
Groundbreaking open education resource program shares most of MIT's curriculum.