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K-12 education

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Boston 25 News

BioBuilder, a program spun out of MIT that is being used in 1,000 high schools across the country, aims to provide high school students with an opportunity to experience engineering and problem solving in the classroom, reports Kelly Sullivan for Boston 25 News. “We’re really hoping to help attract students to the field and get them interested and, train them up so that the industry can have the talent they need,” says BioBuilder Executive Director Natalie Kuldell. 


DragonBot, an AI tool developed by the MIT Personal Robotics Group, “is designed to teach children empathy and social skills,” reports Neil Sahota for Forbes. “These interactions, while mediated through technology, are invaluable in nurturing the social and emotional growth of children,” writes Sahota.

NBC News

A program aiming to give kids a new strategy to learn reading is the goal of a new program developed by researchers from the MIT Integrated Learning Initiative, Harvard Graduate School of Education, and Florida State University, reports Kate Snow for NBC News. Currently serving 45,000 North Carolina third graders in 102 schools, Reach Every Reader is “weaving reading across subjects, like science and social studies,” rather than having just one class dedicated to reading, she says.

New York Times

Break Through Tech A.I., a new program hosted and supported by MIT and a number of other universities, is providing free artificial intelligence courses to “reduce obstacles to tech careers for underrepresented college students, including lower-income, Latina and Black young women,” reports Natasha Singer for The New York Times. The program “aims to help lower-income students, many of whom have part-time jobs on top of their schoolwork, learn A.I. skills, develop industry connections and participate in research projects they can discuss with job recruiters,” writes Singer. 

eSchool News

Researchers for MIT and Google are providing a free “Generative AI for Educators Course,” with the aim of helping middle and high school teachers use generative AI tools in the classroom. “MIT RAISE believes knowledge of generative AI is a key factor in creating a more equitable future for education,” says Cynthia Breazeal, director of MIT RAISE. “We’re thrilled to collaborate with Google to offer the Generative AI for Educators Course – providing middle and high school teachers with no-cost AI training. This course empowers educators to confidently integrate AI into their teaching, creating richer and more accessible learning experiences for all students.”


MIT and Google are offering a free Generative AI for Educators course “designed to help middle and high school teachers learn how to use generative AI tools to personalize instruction, develop creative lessons and save time on administrative tasks,” reports Jack Kelly for Forbes.

The Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Aaron Pressman spotlights the Perkins School for the Blind Hackathon held at MIT. “The students divided into 10 teams, named after colors, and picked one of eight challenges Perkins had crafted, such as assisting a blind person to navigate an indoor space or to pick up non-verbal cues in video conference conversations,” writes Pressman. “But before writing a line of code, the teams met with people with a disability relevant to the challenge they had selected.”

The Boston Globe

Writing for The Boston Globe, Prof. Mitchel Resnick explores how a new coding app developed by researchers from the Lifelong Kindergarten group is aimed at allowing young people to use mobile phones to create interactive stories, games and animations. Resnick makes the case that with “appropriate apps and support, mobile phones can provide opportunities for young people to imagine, create, and share projects.”


Prof. Eric Klopfer, co-director of the RAISE initiative (Responsible AI for Social Empowerment in Education), speaks with GBH reporter Diane Adame about the importance of providing students guidance on navigating artificial intelligence systems. “I think it's really important for kids to be aware that these things exist now, because whether it's in school or out of school, they are part of systems where AI is present,” says Klopfer. “Many humans are biased. And so the [AI] systems express those same biases that they've seen online and the data that they've collected from humans.”

New York Times

New York Times reporter Siobhan Roberts spotlights Yulia’s Dream, a free math enrichment and research program for exceptional high school students in Ukraine organized through the MIT Department of Mathematics. “Mathematics is often misunderstood as a solitary endeavor,” says Lecturer Slava Gerovitch. “One cannot be a successful mathematician without being integrated into these international networks for the exchange of knowledge.”


Celtics forward Jaylen Brown spoke with Dana Jacobson of CBS Mornings about his mission to help improve equality in the City of Boston, highlighting the Bridge Program at the Media Lab, which is aimed providing opportunities in science and technology for underrepresented communities. “I think education is one of the most powerful devices that we have and is one of the ways our social mobility is being controlled at a very early age,” says Brown. “Being able to have my students… get to learn directly from MIT professors, MIT scientists, NASA astronauts, you get to directly benefit from those stories and life lessons. My goal is to build the next leaders, the next generation of leaders for the world.”

The Boston Globe

Celtics forward Jaylen Brown signed his supermax contract extension in front of high school students participating in the Bridge Program at the Media Lab, an effort focused on providing opportunities in science and technology for underrepresented communities, writes Adam Himmelsbach for The Boston Globe. Brown noted he found out the deal was finalized during a robotics session with the students. “I was learning,” he said. “I was a part of the curriculum. We were doing some teaching, doing some active engaging, some workshops. So I was able to put my phone down and just get right into class with the Bridge students.”

WBZ Radio

MathTalk–a team that aims to make math fun through stories, art and games – held its first annual Family Day on the MIT campus, reports WBZ. “Among the attractions at Family Day, MathTalk had art installations, number lines, Venn diagrams to show off to the kids and adults,” notes WBZ.

The New York Times

New York Times reporter Natasha Singer spotlights the Day of AI, an MIT RAISE program aimed at teaching K-12 students about AI. “Because AI is such a powerful new technology, in order for it to work well in society, it really needs some rules,” said MIT President Sally Kornbluth. Prof. Cynthia Breazeal, MIT’s dean of digital learning, added: “We want students to be informed, responsible users and informed, responsible designers of these technologies.”