Fieldwork class examines signs of climate change in Hawaii
MIT students research effects of climate change on forests and sulfur dioxide emissions as a model for planet-wide events.
MIT students research effects of climate change on forests and sulfur dioxide emissions as a model for planet-wide events.
UPOP annual workshop lets sophomores take a deep dive into teamwork, creative problem-solving, and networking in preparation for their future careers.
Students working in Boston Medical Center’s Autism Program make an impact while experiencing the whirlwind atmosphere of a hospital.
“Introduction to Physical Computing for Artists” at the MIT Student Art Association teaches students to use circuits, wiring, motors, sensors, and displays by developing their own kinetic artworks.
The long-running programming competition encourages skills and friendships that last a lifetime.
New program supports the Institute’s vision of educating the whole student.
New IAP course opens doors to language learning, as well as cultural education and war relief.
Showcased in a new exhibit, student research explores the long history of South Asians at the Institute.
MIT’s Residential Education group fuels faculty ingenuity and student engagement.
Students in 21H.S04 explore stories of students and faculty from South Asia via oral histories and the Institute Archives/Distinctive Collections.
MIT Sloan Black Business Students Association (BBSA) launches a four-part podcast series chronicling the stories of four Black at Sloan students and alumni.
MISTI sends first Independent Activities Period students abroad since 2020.
Zoe Fisher's undergraduate research journey leads to a role working on the SPARC tokamak.
Veteran and PhD student Andrea Henshall has used MIT Open Learning to soar from the Air Force to multiple aeronautics degrees.
Students propose solutions to re-imagine the customer experience for Hong Kong’s airport city development.