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Displaying 331 - 345 of 465 news articles related to this topic.
Daron Acemoglu

All the difference in the world

In new book, economists Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson assert that above all else, political institutions — not culture or natural resources — determine the wealth of nations.

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Alexis de Tocqueville

A Tocqueville for our time

MIT historian’s re-evaluation of Democracy in America emphasizes Alexis de Tocqueville’s doubts and concerns about politics in the United States.

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Media Lab founder Nicholas Negroponte, who spoke about the One Laptop per Child program during the 'Computing for Everyone' session.

Information Age

As part of MIT’s 150th-birthday celebration, computer science luminaries — many from MIT's faculty — gathered on campus for a two-day symposium.

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A difference maker

Vannevar Bush PhD ’16, a unique figure in American history, transformed his country’s scientific establishment during its wartime hour of need.

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