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Profs. Regina Barzilay and Dina Katabi discuss how AI could transform the field of medicine in a special episode of CNBC’s Squawk Box, broadcast live from MIT’s celebration for the new MIT Schwarzman College of Computing. Barzilay explains that her goal is “to teach machines to do stuff that humans cannot do, for instance predict who is going to get cancer within two years.”

New York Times

New York Times reporter Steve Lohr writes about the MIT AI Policy Conference, which examined how society, industry and governments should manage the policy questions surrounding the evolution of AI technologies. “If you want people to trust this stuff, government has to play a role,” says CSAIL principal research scientist Daniel Weitzner.

The Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal reporter Brian Gormley speaks with Dr. Leo Anthony Celi, a principal researcher scientist at IMES, who encourages hospitals to share electronic medical data on intensive care patients. “De-identified data from 60,000 such cases now are freely available in a database called Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care,” writes Gormley of Celi’s work. “Scientists regularly publish papers based on this repository.”

CBS Boston

CBS Boston reporter Dr. Mallika Marshall spotlights research by researchers at MIT and Brigham and Women’s Hospital to develop robotic prosthetic limbs controlled by the brain. “It’s a wonderful experience as a researcher,” explains Herr of the work’s impact. “They walk away and start crying or laughing and giggling and say, ‘my gosh I have my body back, I have leg back, I have my life back.’”

Boston Globe

In an article for The Boston Globe, Prof. Jonathan Gruber argues that a recent ruling by a federal judge in Texas that the Affordable Care Acts is unconstitutional puts the health of people around the country at risk and threatens our democracy. “If the courts overturn this outcome, it is an attack on the very process of representative government in the US,” writes Gruber.

The Wall Street Journal

In an article for The Wall Street Journal, Benjamin Powers highlights Affectiva and Koko, two MIT startups developing AI systems that respond to human emotions.

Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Jessie Scanlon spotlights Prof. Regina Barzilay’s work developing machine learning systems that can identify patients at risk of developing breast cancer. Barzilay is creating “software that aims to teach a computer to analyze mammogram images more effectively than the human eye can and to catch signs of cancer in its earliest phases.”

Smithsonian Magazine

Smithsonian reporter Randy Rieland writes that MIT researchers have developed a machine learning model that can detect speech and language patterns associated with depression. The researchers note that the system is intended to assist, not replace clinicians. “We’re hopeful we can provide a complementary form of analysis,” explains Senior Research Scientist James Glass.

Popular Science

Popular Science reporter Rob Verger highlights how an MIT spinout and MIT researchers are developing tools to detect depression. “The big vision is that you have a system that can digest organic, natural conversations, and interactions, and be able to make some conclusion about a person’s well-being,” says grad student Tuka Alhanai.


Forbes contributor Howard Gleckman highlights a study by Prof. Amy Finkelstein that shows only five percent of Medicare spending goes toward end-of-life costs. Gleckman writes that the study supports the argument that “using spending in the last year of life as a proxy for futile care is deeply flawed—because we are very bad at predicting who is going to die and who is not.”


Prof. Amy Finkelstein speaks with Lisa Mullins of WBUR’s All Things Considered about winning a MacArthur grant for her work examining health economics. Finkelstein explains that the goal of her work is to “reduce the amount of rhetoric in health care policy discussion and increase the amount of evidence.”

Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Michael Levenson writes that Profs. Amy Finkelstein and Lisa Parks have been selected as recipients of the MacArthur “genius grant.” Finkelstein notes that the award will allow her to take more risks with her research, while Parks plans to use the award to “strengthen MIT’s Global Media Technologies and Cultures Lab and deepen the university’s ties to Africa, where she does research,” Levenson explains.

The Wall Street Journal

Profs. Amy Finkelstein and Lisa Parks have been named MacArthur Fellows, reports Joe Barrett for The Wall Street Journal. Barett explains that Finkelstein “conducts studies in the economics of health care; among her findings is that Medicaid expansion increases self-reported health and financial security, but also increases use of the emergency room and has no significant impact on many measures of physical health.”

Boston Globe

As part of the InCube entrepreneurial challenge, a team of MIT students is living in a glass cube for five days as they work on developing a better ambulance, reports Andy Rosen for The Boston Globe. Gene Keselman, executive director of the MIT Innovation Initiative, explains that the glass cube offers passersby a glimpse at what “the entrepreneurial journey looks like.”

New York Times

A study co-authored by Prof. Amy Finkelstein finds that bundling Medicare payments for procedures such as hip and knee replacements reduces the use of post-acute care by about 3 percent, reports Austin Frakt for The New York Times. Finkelstein explains that she examined the use of post-acute care as “it is an area where there is concern about overuse.”