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Displaying 586 - 600 of 600 news articles related to this topic.

What can make a dent?

Given the enormous scale of worldwide energy use, there are limited options for achieving significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

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Some hospitals participate in plans to create 'career ladders; for employees — the kind of program endorsed by MIT economist Paul Osterman in his new book, <i>Good Jobs America</i>.

Workplace woes

The employment crisis isn’t just a lack of jobs — it’s a lack of good jobs, says an MIT professor.

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A village in rural Indonesia. A new study by MIT researchers suggests local residents make accurate judgments of their neighbors’ poverty levels.

Wisdom of crowds

In countries that lack financial records, how can we tell who is truly poor? An innovative study suggests: Ask the neighbors.

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A hardy Constitution

In Ratification, historian Pauline Maier uncovers the contentious debates behind a political document that many Americans once opposed.

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The cover to Xavier de Souza Briggs's book, "Moving to Opportunity: The Story of an American Experiment to Fight Ghetto Poverty."

Moving in circles

MIT scholar’s new book scrutinizes the successes and failures of a unique government experiment meant to help America’s urban poor.

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