Rooftop panels, EV chargers, and smart thermostats could chip in to boost power grid resilience
MIT engineers propose a new “local electricity market” to tap into the power potential of homeowners’ grid-edge devices.
MIT engineers propose a new “local electricity market” to tap into the power potential of homeowners’ grid-edge devices.
Doug Field SM ’92, Ford’s chief of EVs and digital design, leads the legacy carmaker into the software-enabled, battery-propelled future.
MIT engineers developed the largest open-source dataset of car designs, including their aerodynamics, that could speed design of eco-friendly cars and electric vehicles.
A new study on techno-economic outlooks for zero-emission heavy-duty trucking underscores the need for cross-sector collaboration.
The MIT Electric Vehicle Team, Sustainable Engine Team, Solar Electric Vehicle Team, Motorsports Team, First Nations Launch Team, and Arcturus are each doing their part to improve the health of our planet.
The spending increases were particularly pronounced for businesses within 100 yards of charging stations, and for businesses in low-income areas.
The Chan siblings reflect on their Motorsports experience, eight years apart.
At the 2024 Earth Day Colloquium, World Resource Institute President and CEO Ani Dasgupta says systemic changes in a handful of countries will be critical to meeting global emissions goals.
Fourteen Edgerton Center student-led engineering teams displayed their latest creations, from solar cars to rockets to assistive eating devices.
The MIT Edgerton Center technical instructor’s expertise and dedication enriches the student experience.
At the MIT Energy Initiative Fall Colloquium, Shell’s chief technology officer laid out two very different potential paths for the decades ahead.
MIT chemists developed a battery cathode based on organic materials, which could reduce the EV industry’s reliance on scarce metals.
MIT Electric Vehicle Team builds a unique hydrogen fuel cell–powered electric motorcycle.
Graduate student Adi Mehrotra ’22 is developing sustainable solutions in vehicle design.