How telecommunications cables can image the ground beneath us
By making use of MIT’s existing fiber optic infrastructure, PhD student Hilary Chang imaged the ground underneath campus, a method that can be used to characterize seismic hazards.
By making use of MIT’s existing fiber optic infrastructure, PhD student Hilary Chang imaged the ground underneath campus, a method that can be used to characterize seismic hazards.
EAPS PhD student Jared Bryan found a way to use his research on earthquakes to help understand exoplanet migration.
The results suggest that climate may influence seismic activity.
Geophysicist William Frank discusses how a recent earthquake in Japan relates to an earthquake swarm in the region.
Students, faculty, and staff have responded quickly in the wake of the disaster.
Those selected for these positions receive additional support to pursue their research and develop their careers.
MIT Haystack Observatory identifies long-duration atmospheric waves launched by the recent Tonga eruption.
Geophysicists Camilla Cattania and William Frank team up to explore the tectonics and fault mechanics behind earthquakes, and their associated hazards.
A new study finds curious properties of tiny crystals hold clues to earthquake formation.
Assistant professors Camilla Cattania and William Frank discuss the science behind the 2010 and 2021 earthquakes in Haiti.
To mitigate natural hazards equitably, PhD candidate Ipek Bensu Manav of the MIT CSHub is incorporating social vulnerability into resilience engineering and hazard recovery.
Within minutes, the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdown on March 11, 2011, brought an unprecedented wave of death, displacement, and destruction to Japan.
Technique may help scientists more accurately map vast underground geologic structures.
MIT team’s online platform links those who need aid with those who can help. (Este artículo está disponible en español.)
International workshop funded by new MISTI Global Seed Fund showcases the potential of energy-based structural analysis and sensing.