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Earth and atmospheric sciences

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Displaying 421 - 435 of 669 news articles related to this topic.
The Stromboli Volcano in Italy has been erupting every five to 20 minutes for thousands of years. New research calls into a question a theory scientists have used to explain the frequent eruptions.

Bursting a bubble?

A generally accepted theory explaining the frequent eruptions at Italy’s Stromboli volcano is called into question by new research.

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Many climate researchers assume that aerosols — microscopic particles in the atmosphere — help to cool the Earth. But new research from MIT shows that aerosols not only cool but also heat the planet, a finding that calls into question some key assumptions about climate change.

The aerosols conundrum

Research shows that aerosols not only cool, but also heat the planet — a finding that may cloud the validity of climate-change models.

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Microbial mats growing in hot spring-fed streams, like these here in Yellowstone National Park, offer insights into the evolution of life on early Earth. As mineral-laden water flow over the mat, silica crystals grow, and the mat eventually turns into stone. The lithified mat is an analogue of conical stromatolites that are found in sedimentary rocks that are billions of years old.

A look back in time

By linking the odd geometry of bacterial growths to photosynthesis, researchers may have a new way to study Earth’s oldest fossils.

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Based on topographic data obtained by NASA’s Magellan spacecraft, this figure shows the volcanic peak Idunn Mons in the Imdr Regio area of Venus. The colored overlay shows the heat patterns derived from surface brightness data collected by VIRTIS aboard the European Space Agency’s Venus Express spacecraft. The brightness signals the composition of the minerals that have been changed due to lav...

Volcanic Venus

New research highlights recent volcanic activity on Venus, indicating that Earth’s sister planet is alive — geologically speaking

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This computer-generated view of the surface of Venus was created from radar images taken during NASA’s Magellan mission during the 1990s. The images suggest that the Venus surface evolves through a periodic resurfacing process, possibly caused by volcanic activity.

Mapping Venus

New analysis supports theory that Venus’ surface evolved through extreme makeover, not plate tectonics

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