The future of motorcycles could be hydrogen
MIT Electric Vehicle Team builds a unique hydrogen fuel cell–powered electric motorcycle.
MIT Electric Vehicle Team builds a unique hydrogen fuel cell–powered electric motorcycle.
"It gives people an outlet and a way of expressing themselves through music,” says one contributor to the MITverses project.
MIT Doya blasted their first rocket to a height of 1,290 meters, placing second at the 2023 First Nations Launch contest. The team is now gearing up for a 2024 launch.
Graduate student Adi Mehrotra ’22 is developing sustainable solutions in vehicle design.
In a Q&A, the MIT junior describes how all the pieces fell into place as he captured the “Tetris” world title.
Young scholars have a blast learning on campus from MIT students.
Each semester, students help Boston-area organizations with technical needs — pro bono.
MIT board game designers take on social and cultural topics, with a playful twist.
Evan Kramer’s latest foray into urban astrophotography puts the focus on his fellow researchers.
PhD student Will Sussman studies wireless networks while fostering community networks.
MIT Sport Taekwondo has become one of the most popular club sports at MIT because of its tight-knit team and ability to help students clear their heads.
One hundred forty graduate and undergraduate students receive red stoles.
The MIT Sailing Pavilion, the oldest collegiate organization of its kind, offers community members a chance to sail for free — or just enjoy the good vibes.
Now in its sixth year, The Standard provides the tools, support, and camaraderie for undergraduate men of color to thrive at MIT — and beyond.