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Climate change

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The Washington Post

Postdoctoral associate Mostafa Hamouda speaks with Washington Post reporter Scott Dance about the recent cold blast that is bringing “frigid air that normally swirls above the North Pole to places much farther south.” Hamouda explains: “You need really cold air in the pole to have a very fast-spinning polar vortex.” Any warming “slows the whole circulation down.”

USA Today

Prof. Taylor Perron speaks with USA Today reporter Kate S. Petersen about the evidence that humans are changing the Earth’s climate. "What's alarmingly different about the global warming happening now is how fast it's happening and how it's clearly associated with humans adding greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide to the atmosphere," says Perron. "Rapid warming in the geologic past, long before there were humans, led to mass extinctions. And times when it was only slightly warmer than now, like before the last ice age, had sea levels high enough to flood most of today's coastal cities."


Prof. Desirée Plata speaks with C&EN reporter Prachi Patel about her work “trying to make our chemical processes and industries compatible with human and ecological health.” Says Plata of what she is most proud of in her work: “As professors, we produce papers and patents, but people are the most important thing we produce. The faculty of the world are training the next generation of researchers. There’s a perception right now that AI is going to solve all of our problems, but it cannot without good physical science information. We need a trained workforce. We need patient chemists who want to solve important problems.”

The Hill

Writing for The Hill, Prof. Emeritus Henry Jacoby and his colleagues highlight implications of climate change denial on a global scale. “Denying there is a problem stimies efforts to correct the damaged insurance system, organize disaster relief appropriate for changing threats, and properly inform decisions about protective investment,” they write. “Besides the urgent need to protect programs to limit U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, and to bring the nation back into the global effort, the federal administration and recalcitrant state leaders must be convinced to pull their heads out of the dirt and face the change that is coming — whether they want to acknowledge it or not.” 

Financial Times

The Financial Times has honored the MIT Climate Pathways Project and the Aggregate Confusion Project (ACP) in their Responsible Business Education awards for research that “delivers tangible societal and scientific contributions.” The MIT Climate Pathways Project was recognized for efforts to blend “expertise across disciplines to use interactive simulations that help business leaders craft smarter climate policies.” The ACP was recognized for addressing inconsistencies in ESG ratings.  



Graduate student Shomik Verma writes for Newsweek that “we need systemic change to ensure our individual climate actions aren't going to waste. If you're serious about fighting climate change this year, instead of recycling more, consider shifting focus to policy support and investments.” Verma adds: “if we advocate for change at the federal and state level, we can build an effective bridge between our individual actions and the change we want to see in the world.”


In a wide-ranging interview with NHK (broadcast in Japanese), President Sally Kornbluth discusses MIT’s innovation ecosystem, the MIT Climate Project and how MIT faculty work to help nurture their students’ creativity. "We give students the opportunity to research real-world projects and see their impact on society," says Kornbluth. “We should focus on bringing out the creativity of students, their individual creativity. Almost everyone you meet at a place like MIT wants to start a company. Nurturing this kind of talent is essential in the long run to the incredible success we see at American universities.” 

ABC News

Prof. Jessika Trancik speaks with ABC News reporter Julia Jacobo about the role of green hydrogen in decarbonization efforts. “Hydrogen itself could be a really important component to a green transition,” says Trancik. 

The Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal reporter John Anderson spotlights NOVA’s “Building Stuff: Change It!” – a program that follows engineers, including Prof. Maria Yang, as they “seek to help humanity adapt to a changing world, drawing on the ideas and traditions of the past to create new technologies.” When discussing efforts to adapt to climate change, Yang explains: “All design is redesign.”


Inspired by his daily walks, Prof. Elfatih Eltahir and his colleagues have developed a new way to measure how climate change is likely to impact the number of days when it is comfortable to be outdoors, reports Maddie Browning for WBUR. “I find people walking, jogging, cycling and enjoying the outdoors,” says Eltahir. “That's what motivated me to start looking at how climate change could really constrain some of those activities.”

Knowable Magazine

Research Scientist Susan Amrose speaks with Knowable Magazine reporter Lele Nargi about the use of inland desalination for farming communities. Amrose, who studies inland desalination in the Middle East and North Africa, is “testing a system that uses electrodialysis instead of reverse osmosis,” explains Nargi. “This sends a steady surge of voltage across water to pull salt ions through an alternating stack of positively charged and negatively charged membranes.” 


Prof. Christopher Reinhart speaks with GBH reporter Craig LeMoult about the feasibility of harvesting energy from the Charles River. Reinhart notes that using renewable heat pumps along with the old, existing steam infrastructure could be a good option for Boston and other cities around the country that have district energy systems. “I think you would see a lot of those, especially with the overall push towards decarbonization,” says Reinhart.  

USA Today

Researchers at MIT have found that “more than 98% of prisons in the United States experienced at least ten days that were hotter than every previous summer, with the worst of the heat-exposed prisons concentrated in the Southwest,” reports Minnah Arshad for USA Today. s

Fast Company

MIT researchers developed a new method to model how climate change will impact the number of “outdoor days” and found that Southern states in the U.S. will lose a significant number of outdoor days, reports Kristin Toussaint for Fast Company. Prof. Elfatih Eltahir explains that the concept of outdoor days is, “an attempt for me to bring the issue of climate change home. When someone tells you global temperatures are going to increase by 3 degrees, that’s one thing. If someone tells you that your outdoor days will be dropping by 20% or 30%, that’s another thing.”

New York Times

New York Times reporter Eric Lipton spotlights Prof. Christopher Voigt and his team’s “radical effort to engineer nature to fight climate change” by creating genetically modified bacteria to help reduce the use of chemical fertilizers. Lipton notes that Voigt is “a rock star of sorts in the fast-growing field of biological engineering.”