Rohit Karnik named director of J-WAFS
The mechanical engineering professor will lead MIT’s only program specifically focused on water and food for human need.
The mechanical engineering professor will lead MIT’s only program specifically focused on water and food for human need.
For the past decade, the Abdul Latif Jameel Water and Food Systems Lab has strengthened MIT faculty efforts in water and food research and innovation.
The nitrogen product developed by the company, which was co-founded by Professor Chris Voigt, is being used across millions of acres of American farmland.
Assistant Professor Sara Beery is using automation to improve monitoring of migrating salmon in the Pacific Northwest.
MIT graduate student earns top honors in Graduate and People’s Choice categories for her work on nutrient-stabilizing materials.
MIT’s innovation and entrepreneurship system helps launch water, food, and ag startups with social and economic benefits.
A summer class teaches PhD students and early-career archaeologists ceramic petrography, revealing the origins and production methods of past societies.
The innovation, which employs beeswax to maintain consistent heating, is the result of three years of co-design with Cameroonian poultry farmers.
MIT spinout SiTration looks to disrupt industries with a revolutionary process for recovering and extracting critical materials.
Propelled by MIT mentors and colleagues, two Kavanaugh Fellows will spend a year getting their innovative technologies ready for the market.
The material could be made as a thin coating to analyze air quality in industrial or home settings over time.
A filter made from yeast encapsulated in hydrogels can quickly absorb lead as water flows through it.
Jonathan Bessette and Akash Ball have been named 2024-25 J-WAFS Fellows for water treatment technologies.
MIT Sea Grant students apply machine learning to support local aquaculture hatcheries.
Extractive industries threaten water, glaciers, and livelihoods, but new research offers hope.