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LIDS student conference

The 15th annual Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS) Student Conference will be held on Jan. 28 and 29. Organized every year by LIDS students, the conference allows students from multidisciplinary backgrounds to share cutting-edge research. In addition to student talks, the conference will also feature lectures by leaders in academia and industry including Roger Brockett (Harvard), Mung Chiang (Princeton), Maryam Fazel (U. Washington), and Jonathan Yedidia (Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs). Topics to be discussed at the conference include optimization and control systems; signals and estimation; communications and networks; information and coding theory; and graphical models and networks. On Thursday, the conference will take place in Room 32-155; on Friday it moves to the Bartos Theater, Wiesner Building, E15. Both events are open to all and no advance registration is required. For more information visit or contact conference Ulric Ferner or Mitra Osqui.

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