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IS&T offers Microsoft Office to faculty and staff at no cost

Information Services and Technology (IS&T) is offering Microsoft Office licenses to all faculty and staff through a centrally funded Microsoft Campus agreement
Information Services and Technology (IS&T) is offering Microsoft (MS) Office licenses to all faculty and staff through a centrally funded Microsoft Campus agreement.
Up until now, MS Office has been available both through the Campus Agreement for participating departments and through the MS Select Agreement from GovConnection. This past year, IS&T renegotiated with Microsoft to consolidate purchasing under the Campus Agreement, reaping considerable savings for the Institute. To ensure that individuals don't pay for licenses already covered, IS&T recently removed the Select Office offering from GovConnection.
Approximately two thirds of the departments at MIT are already participating under the Campus Agreement for Office. MIT is now able to offer MS Office at no direct cost to all departments (for faculty and staff use, and for student use on MIT-owned machines).
• If your department, lab, or center (DLC) has been participating in the Campus Agreement, you will no longer be charged and will not be JV’d for FY10. For details, contact your Office software liaison.
• If your DLC has not been participating in the Campus Agreement, you will now be covered for this use. You may obtain Microsoft Office either through your Office software liaison or by downloading it directly at IS&T's Microsoft Campus Agreement License page (certificates required).

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