DuPont Award
- Peer Casillo
Henry Ford Award
- Sung-Dae Hong
Martin Trust Fellows--for excellence in members of the graduating class
- Dingli Chen
- Steven Fransblow
- Laura Graham
- Martin Hinson
- Oren Kassif
Miriam Sherburne Award--to a woman who has contributed significantly to student life
- Dina Goldstein
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
- David Czerwinski
- Michael Metzger
Outstanding Teaching Award
- Kristin Forbes
- Paul Asquith
- Rob Freund
Petersen Award--to two students who have made significant contributions to the community
- Jane Muschenetz
- Stanley Yung
Seley Award
- Kerry Bowie
- Brendan Monaghan
Teacher of the Year Award
- Andres Almazan
- Jesper Sorensen
A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on June 7, 2006 (download PDF).