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MIT to mark World AIDS Day on Dec. 1

MIT is marking World AIDS Day -- Monday, Dec. 1 -- with a series of events on campus aimed at recognizing the effects of the pandemic and helping those suffering from AIDS.

"AIDS is the greatest humanitarian crisis of our time, leaving an entire generation of orphans and vulnerable children in jeopardy. Around the world, another person dies because of AIDS every 15 seconds," said Chaplain to the Institute Robert M. Randolph. "MIT has been doing research for years on eradicating the AIDS virus and many community members have directly or indirectly contributed to this ongoing effort."

  • From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., the MIT Board of Chaplains will host a "time of reflection" in the MIT Chapel. Pick up material for reflection in learning about the AIDS pandemic; light a candle for some one you know who is suffering or may have died from AIDS; write a note of compassion to a friend who has HIV; meditate on prayers submitted from various religious traditions; ask a chaplain for comfort and encouragement.
  • From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., stop by Lobby 10 and pick up your World AIDS Day commemorative ribbon to show your support for those suffering from and affected by AIDS. Sponsored by lbgt@mit and MIT Medical.
  • From 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., "Two Brave Lovers - South Park Sparks Conversation on HIV/AIDS" will take place in the Rainbow Lounge, Room 50-005. Sponsored by lbgt@mit, CHPW and MIT Medical Center.
  • At 7 p.m., the Technology and Culture Forum brings Elizabeth Pisani, author of "The Wisdom of Whores: Bureaucrats, Brothels, and the Business of AIDS" to campus at the MIT Museum.

The MIT Sloan Fellows are also supporting an ongoing effort called World Vision Boston AIDS Africa. This effort is to build kits to provide to caregivers to AIDS patients in the poorest areas of Africa. The Boston AIDS Africa event on Nov. 22 was able to buy 30,000 kits, and the MIT group was able to raise $9,620 for the cause, or 320 kits. Donations will continue to be accepted until February; for information and to make a donation visit

For more information on these and other events, visit

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