Statement from MIT Professor Susumu Tonegawa
I have informed Dean Silbey and Provost Reif this afternoon of my decision to resign as director of the Picower Institute, effective December 31 when my appointment expires, so I can devote all my energy and focus to research.
It has been my great privilege to lead the transformation of the Picower Institute from its origins as the Center for Learning and Memory to its place today as a recognized world leader in neuroscience research. I am grateful to Jeffrey and Barbara Picower and to RIKEN of Japan for the generous support that enabled us to accomplish this.
I am particularly proud of the world-class faculty members I have recruited, who are each renowned leaders in their own disciplines. I look forward to continuing to work with them.
As a faculty member of the Picower Institute, I remain committed to helping foster a new spirit of collaboration in MIT's neuroscience community.
Statement from Provost Rafael Reif on behalf of MIT
We respect Professor Tonegawa's decision to step down as director of the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory. We are grateful for the impact he has had in transforming the Institute into a world leader in neuroscience research.
We look forward to his continued contributions to this important research and his commitment to ongoing collaborations within MIT's neuroscience community.
Through its extraordinary faculty the Picower Institute has made remarkable contributions to neuroscience at MIT and in the world-wide neuroscience community, and we will continue our support of their work with the greatest enthusiasm.