Paul Parravano, co-director of MIT's Office of Government and Community Relations, cradles baseball's World Series trophy that the Boston Red Sox won after a thrilling postseason last fall. Parravano, who was attending a briefing last week by the team owners to announce their decision to stay in Fenway Park, said holding the trophy reminded him of "Jim Rice, Carlton Fisk and all those years I put in sitting there on wonderful summer nights" and was a "great moment for me to touch that great history." Opening Day is Sunday, April 3. Photo / Fay Foto
The “PRoC3S” method helps an LLM create a viable action plan by testing each step in a simulation. This strategy could eventually aid in-home robots to complete more ambiguous chore requests.
In a recent commentary, a team from MIT, Equality AI, and Boston University highlights the gaps in regulation for AI models and non-AI algorithms in health care.
New products presented at the 2.009 prototype launch included a crash-detecting bicycle helmet, an augmented reality mask for divers, and a respirator for wildland firefighters.