Two MIT panels are soliciting preliminary proposals for projects to enhance and potentially transform the education of MIT students.
The Council on Educational Technology, in collaboration with the Committee on the Undergraduate Program, will finance worthy projects through the Alex and Brit d'Arbeloff Fund for Excellence in Education.
Over the past three years, MIT has effected several educational initiatives through the d'Arbeloff Fund. At a recent workshop, previous d'Arbeloff grant awardees discussed the importance of improving the first-year program and developing more project-based and active learning activities to enhance conceptual understanding.
Proposals may come from any member of the MIT community, and there is a special category for proposals from students. A list of grants that have been funded to date are available here.
Preliminary proposals of two to three pages should be sent to Joanne Straggas at by Feb. 18. For a description of the areas of interest, criteria requirements and restrictions for the proposals, click here.
A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on January 8, 2003.