Huntsville, AL
Prospective major: Electrical engineering and computer science. I'm not sure, maybe chemistry instead.
Other interests: swing dancing, ballroom dance, tae kwan do.
Expectations: I know it's gonna be a lot of hard work but if you want to have a social life, you can. I want to do a lot of extracurricular activies, because I finally have the opportunity to do them. They have so much stuff here I don't even know what I'll choose. Maybe I'll even get involved with the paper. In high school it was all academics. I didn't even get to take theater.
Fears: The courses, the hard work. I worked hard in high school; I'm sure it's a lot harder here. I was afraid meeting people would be hard but that doesn't seem to be a problem. I'm definitely afraid of the winters.
Looking forward to: Taking all the extracurriculars I didn't take in high school; meeting different types of people.
A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on June 4, 2003.