In this photo in the May 9 issue of MIT Tech Talk accompanying an article on the "Speak Out!!" rally, the caption misidentified some of the participants. It should have read as follows: "MIT community members including (left to right) Dean Isaac Colbert, senior Devang Kothari of Alpha Tau Omega, Dean Ayida Mthembu, Tang Hall housemaster Dawn Anderson and senior Aisha Stroman hold hands at Tuesday's 'Speak Out!!' rally." Also, the list of coordinators for the event should have included Geno White, Kasetta Coleman and Jonathan White as well as Zhelenrentice Scott and Marlon Francis.
The day of the upcoming Sigma Xi lecture by Professor Peter Seeberger was given incorrectly in the May 9 issue of MIT Tech Talk. It will be Thursday, May 17
A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on May 16, 2001.