The program directors of the Cambridge-MIT Institute have invited MIT faculty to submit proposals for educational projects that take advantage of the new strategic relationship between MIT and the University of Cambridge.
Two-page proposals should be submitted by Dec. 3 to MIT Associate Dean Margaret S. Enders in Room 7-133 or via e-mail to The proposals should include a description of the project and its objectives, how it will contribute to the MIT-Cambridge alliance, an estimated budget and staffing requirements.
In a letter sent on Oct. 23, MIT Dean for Undergraduate Education Robert P. Redwine and Dr. David Good of the University of Cambridge, program directors of undergraduate education for the Cambridge-MIT Institute (CMI), said:
"We are particularly interested in underwriting projects in the following areas:
- "Curriculum development activities that may include the simultaneous broadcast of live lectures supplemented by local face-to-face small-group teaching; short courses offered during term breaks; guest lectures; and/or the development of common curricula for students in the exchange program. We are especially interested in initiatives that address improvements in undergraduate science and engineering education, including the first-year experience.
- "Improvements in student advising and mentoring that combine the successful facets of learning and informal learning models at both institutions. For example, at MIT students benefit from the opportunities afforded by doing undergraduate research projects outside of the classroom. At Cambridge, the collegiate model provides students frequent occasions to interact with faculty and other members of the teaching staff in small group settings--both academically and socially.
- "New information and communication technologies that facilitate and enhance the educational experience of Cambridge and MIT students and that may provide ways in which the educational activities at both institutions may be made available to a wider audience without compromising their roles as residential universities."
Redwine and Good said they prefer projects that have the potential to grow into long-term commitments at both institutions, include incentives for students and faculty to participate, and stimulate interaction between faculties at both institutions and educate leaders of the global society.
For at least the next five years, CMI will work with faculty and students from MIT and Cambridge to develop collaborative educational and research programs. CMI activities include an exchange of undergraduate students during their junior year. Presently, 27 MIT juniors are at Cambridge and 33 Cambridge students are studying in eight departments at MIT.
A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on October 31, 2001.