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Graduate students surveyed

On May 10, the Planning Office began administering the 1999 Graduate Student Survey for the purpose of polling the entire MIT graduate community. The data collected will not only allow MIT to compare itself with its peers but will also measure graduate student opinion of life at the Institute.

The survey poses questions on a variety of issues including advising, housing and satisfaction with MIT services, teaching and research responsibilities. It is being administered via the web at until Commencement, thus making the data available for analysis in June.

The Graduate Student Survey closely follows the 1999 Cycles Survey of Undergraduate Students and the Higher Education Research Institute Survey of faculty and teaching staff. The combined results of all three projects will be invaluable in understanding the current issues facing the faculty and students at MIT.

A version of this article appeared in the May 12, 1999 issue of MIT Tech Talk (Volume 43, Number 30).

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