Over the next several weeks, the News Office will be mailing out hometown press releases announcing the names of this year's degree recipients. In April, a letter and reply card announcing this was mailed to all degree candidates.
For those students who approve, the News Office sends news releases to newspapers in the hometown of the graduate and/or the town(s) where their parents live. The releases include the name of the graduate, their degree(s) and, if, the student wishes, the names of the student's parents. Most newspapers use this kind of information on a space-available basis.
Those graduates who want to be included should return the yellow reply card to the MIT News Office, Rm 5-111, 77 Massachusetts Ave.,Cambridge MA 02139, or stop by the office 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday. For more information contact Patricia Foley, x3-2700 or pfoley@mit.edu.
A version of this article appeared in the June 2, 1999 issue of MIT Tech Talk (Volume 43, Number 32).