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Presentations offered on Supplemental 401(k) Plan

There will be presentations on the MIT Supplemental 401(k) Plan Investment Options on Monday, May 17 and Friday, May 21 in the Student Center's Twenty Chimneys. The schedule for both days is as follows:

11am -- Choosing Your Investment Mix -- A workshop designed to help participants with little investment selection experience elect their investment mix.

Noon -- Beyond Asset Allocation -- Discussing a method of measuring and monitoring risk and investment performance, and how you can use these methods to manage the risk/reward relationship and apply it to your investment selection.

1pm -- Your MIT Investment Options -- A discussion of the Fixed and Variable Funds and the eight new Fidelity asset class options.

A version of this article appeared in the May 12, 1999 issue of MIT Tech Talk (Volume 43, Number 30).

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