There are three polling locations for MIT campus residents who plan to vote in the September 15 primary and the November 3 election. They are as follows.
Residents of Ashdown House, Baker House, Bexley House, Burton House, East Campus, Green Hall, McCormick Hall, Senior House, Eastgate, Westgate--Kresge Auditorium.
Residents of Edgerton House, MacGregor House, West Campus Houses, 500 Memorial Drive, Tang Hall--Fire house at Massachusetts Avenue and Main Street.
Residents of Random Hall--Salvation Army headquarters at 402 Massachusetts Avenue.
Anyone with questions about where to vote may call David Cohen in the Office of Government and Community Relations at x3-1989. For information about voting eligibility, call the Cambridge Election Commission at 349-4361.
A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on September 2, 1998.