Six MIT professors have received fiscal 1997 Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) grants from the National Science Foundation. They are among 359 people nationwide to receive the grants, which range from $200,000 to $500,000 each for four to five years.
NSF established the CAREER program to help promising scientists and engineers develop simultaneously their contributions to research and education early in their careers. The MIT winners and the titles of their research are:
Assistant Professor Paula T. Hammond, Department of Chemical Engineering, "Control Through Molecular Design in Engineering: Molecular Order and Function from Ionic Multilayers of Liquid Crystal Polymers."
Assistant Professor Amos Lapidoth, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, "Universally Robust Communication Over Unknown Channels."
Assistant Professor Sanjay E. Sarma, Department of Mechanical Engineering, "A Research and Teaching Plan for Computer Integrated Manufacturing."
Assistant Professor S. Mark Spearing, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, "Modeling the Failure of Advanced Materials."
Assistant Professor Daniel A. Spielman, Department of Mathematics, "Computationally Efficient Error-Correcting Codes and Their Applications."
Assistant Professor Anna Thornton, Department of Mechanical Engineering, "Variation Risk Management Early in the Product Development Process."
A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on May 6, 1998.