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News Office creates guide to MIT's medical experts

A new guide published by the News Office shows the scope of medically related research being conducted at the Institute.

The MIT Media Guide to Experts on Medicine, Physiology, and Health features almost 200 MIT faculty and scientists involved in research ranging from aging to laser medicine to Z-DNA. It includes a brief description of each person's work, plus information on how to contact the researchers.

Though not a comprehensive listing of all MIT researchers doing medically related research, the guide does give a feel for the scope of such research at the Institute. It contains sections on bioengineering, brain science and cognitive science, cancer, computers in medicine, diagnostics, diseases/conditions, general health, genetics, health-care policy and economics, physiology, space medicine and therapies.

The cross-indexed guide is being distributed to members of the media. It is also available to members of the MIT community. If you would like a copy, please contact LaKeitha Evelyn of the News Office at x3-2700 or>.

A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on November 19, 1997.

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