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Environmental-health research grants available

The Center for Environmental Health Sciences invites MIT investigators to propose feasibility projects related to environmental health sciences for funding by the Center. This interdisciplinary research center, funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, has been supporting such feasibility projects in many departments within the Schools of Science and Engineering since 1978.

These projects are intended to provide initial support for junior faculty to enter the environmental health area (CEHS has been fortunate enough to fund all proposals from junior faculty since its founding), to allow exploration of new directions for established investigators in environmental health sciences, and to stimulate investigators from MIT to collaborate with established environmental health researchers.

In the past decade, the Center has funded researchers from biology, brain and cognitive sciences, chemical engineering, chemistry, civil engineering, the Division of Toxicology, the Energy Laboratory, materials science and engineering, mechanical engineering and physics.

Applicants should submit by Friday, June 5 a one-page description of the proposed research and a detailed budget to Professor Bill Thilly, Center for Environmental Health Sciences, Rm E18-666. Each applicant will explain his or her project to the multidisciplinary steering committee of the Center at one of its regular Tuesday meetings at 10am.

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Center grant (P30 ES02109-19), which supports these projects, runs through March 31, 1998. Specific questions regarding content should be directed by e-mail to Professor Thilly,>. Questions about budgeting or other administrative matters should be directed to Beth Ann Turnquist,>.

A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on May 14, 1997.

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