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Investment fair scheduled

An Investment and Retirement Fair sponsored by the Benefits Office, will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 16 on the third floor of the Stratton Student Center from 9am-5pm. Attendees can hear presentations, consult with representatives of investment firms, pick up literature and enter to win a raffle prize.

Highlights of this year's fair will be a presentation by Professor of Economics James Poterba at 11am on "The Long-Term Implications of Stock and Bond Investing" and a presentation at noon by the lead portfolio manager of the MIT Retirement Plans, David Scudder of Wellington Management, on "The MIT Retirement Plan's Fixed and Variable Accounts."

Employees can also learn about various investment topics. On hand will be representatives from the companies offering TDAs to MIT: Fidelity, Prudential, TIAA-CREF and Vanguard. The schedule of sessions is as follows:

  • ������������������Investment Basics-The risks and rewards of investment; an explanation of stocks, bonds and the benefits of diversifying your investments. (9am)
  • ������������������Asset Allocation-An in-depth look at the importance of diversifying your investments; an explanation of the statistical measures of risk. (9am and 4pm)
  • MIT's 401(k) Plan-A discussion of the plan's benefits and provisions. Forms will be available for changing, allocating and enrolling. (1pm)
  • ������������������Growth Investing-Learn about investing for growth vs. investing for growth and income, as well as a discussion on small, medium and large capitalization companies. (2pm)
  • ������������������International Investing-A discussion of the risks and rewards in investing in the international arena, including market risks, political and currency risks. (3pm)

There will be another Investment and Retirement Fair in the South Laboratory Auditorium at Lincoln Lab on October 17. Lincoln employees will receive further details this week.

A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on October 9, 1996.

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