CAMBRIDGE, Mass.-- The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has announced a newly created undergraduate scholarship for graduating high school seniors who attend MIT and who are residents of either North Dakota, South Dakota or Nebraska.
One student will be selected every four years to receive financial assistance from this endowed scholarship, starting in 1996.
The MIT alumnus who established the scholarship--he wishes to remain anonymous-- had two major objectives. First, he wanted to provide financial assistance to MIT students who were from his region of the country. Second, he wanted to encourage applications to MIT by high school seniors who normally would not have included MIT on their list of possible universities to attend.
The alumnus believes that MIT's entrance and academic requirements, while high, are well within the capabilities of many students who are from North Dakota, South Dakota and Nebraska.
Students wanting more information about applying to MIT should contact their local high school guidance counselor or send a request for information to the MIT Admissions Office, Rm. 3-108, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139.