The first full meeting of the Blue Ribbon Panel charged with examining "how MIT should provide health care to its students and employees," will meet September 12, it was reported in the August 21 issue of the Medical Department's newsletter, MIT-Med News.
At the meeting, Dr. Arnold Weinberg, medical director for MIT, will outline key points of a recently completed strategic plan for the department. Dr. Weinberg and Dr. Peter Reich, chief of psychiatry, will give an overview of the community service functions, "what makes this department different from other health-care organizations," the announcement said. The panel will then start to examine MIT health-care financial data.
In examining how MIT should provide health care, the panel is also charged with considering, the newsletter said, " `the value to MIT of internally provided health-care services' and evaluating MIT Medical's strategic plan and `the number and content of health plan options now offered to MIT employees.'" The panel hopes to make recommendations to President Charles M. Vest within six to nine months.
Panel members are S. James Adelstein, MD, executive dean for academic affairs, Harvard Medical School, chairman; Raajnish A. Chitaley, a 1995 MIT graduate; James J. Culliton, MIT's vice president for administration, to whom the Medical Department reports; MIT benefits manager Marianne L. Howard; Annette Jacobs, executive director of the Medical Department; Professor Robert L. Jaffe of the Department of Physics; Professor Paul L. Joskow, head of the Department of Economics; Barbara McNeil, MD, head of the Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School, and professor of radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital; John D. Pratt, associate director of the Whitehead Institute; and Carol Stolberg, associate dean for faculty programs, Harvard Medical School.
A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on August 30, 1995.