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MIT researchers have developed a remote-controlled ingestible capsule that can be operated by a user’s smartphone, reports the Xinhua news agency. “The researchers envisioned that this type of sensor could be used to diagnose early signs of disease and then respond with the appropriate medication,” Xinhua explains.

HealthDay News

HealthDay News reporter E.J. Mundell writes that MIT researchers have developed an ingestible capsule that can be used to monitor health a patient’s health. “The capsule could deliver drugs as well as sense the condition of its surroundings in the gut, including infections or allergic reactions,” Mundell explains.


MIT researchers have developed a new system to detect contaminated food by scanning a product’s RFID tags, reports Devin Coldewey for TechCrunch. The system can “tell the difference between pure and melamine-contaminated baby formula, and between various adulterations of pure ethyl alcohol,” Coldewey explains.

Smithsonian Magazine

Smithsonian reporter Emily Matchar highlights how MIT researchers have developed a new system that enables data sharing between underwater and airborne devices. Prof. Fadel Adib explains that the technology could be used to “study marine life and have access to a whole new world that is still pretty much out of our reach today.”

IEEE Spectrum

Prof. Fadel Abid speaks with IEEE Spectrum reporter Michael Koziol about a new system his research group developed to enable communication between underwater sources and the air. “We’re very interested in how deep and how high you can go,” says Adib. “Even from a theoretical perspective, we don’t even know what the limits are.”

Fox News

FOX News reporter Jamie Rogers writes that MIT researchers have developed a new system that “helps solve a longstanding problem in wireless communication – how to send data directly from a submarine to a plane or drone.”

BBC News

MIT researchers have developed a new system that allows data to be transmitted between underwater and airborne devices, according to the BBC News. The system could enable submarines to communicate with planes, and in the future the device could “help planes or drones detect the location of a submerged ‘black box’ flight recorder.”

Popular Mechanics

Popular Mechanics reporter Avery Thompson describes a new method developed by MIT researchers to send signals between the water and the air by using sound waves to create detectable vibrations at the water’s surface. Thompson explains that the new technology could eventually make “exploring and living under the waves much easier.”


Engadget reporter Jon Fingas writes that MIT researchers have developed a new wireless device that allows data to be transmitted from an underwater source to the air. Fingas explains that the system could allow submarines to “send their findings directly to aircraft (including drones) circling above while remaining safely underwater, and without using boats as intermediaries.”

NBC News

Kate Baggaley writes for NBC News that movement tracking technology developed by MIT researchers can be helpful for monitoring the elderly or sick. The system could be used to monitor an elderly relative and, “receive an instant alert if he or she falls,” or a doctor could use it to monitor the progression of a patient’s disease, explains Baggaley.

BBC News

This BBC Click segment highlights the artificial intelligence system developed by CSAIL researchers that can monitor people’s movements through walls. Prof. Dina Katabi explains that the device helps preserve the privacy of those being monitored by separating and encrypting, “any identifiable information from the measurement.”

Fox News

A new system developed by MIT researchers analyzes radio signals that bounce off of human bodies to track their movement and posture from behind walls, write Saqib Shah for Fox News. Shah suggests that the system could allow military personal “to ‘see’ hidden enemies by wearing augmented reality headsets.”


Researchers led by Prof. Dina Katabi have developed a system to track people’s movements from behind a wall, writes Kaleigh Rogers of Motherboard. Earlier versions were unable to track precise movements, but the system can now interpret signals bouncing off bodies and “translate it into the movement of 14 different key points on the body, including the head, elbows, and knees.”


CSAIL researchers have developed a new system that uses low-power radio waves to detect and track people behind walls, reports Matt Simon for Wired. The system, which can be used to detect signs of distress in elderly patients, also “distinguishes one person from another in the same way your fingerprint distinguishes you,” explains Prof. Dina Katabi.


CSAIL researchers have created a system that can sense a person’s movements through walls, writes John Biggs for TechCrunch. The system is primarily intended as a healthcare device and could help with “passive monitoring of a subject inside a room without cameras or other intrusions,” and could provide insight into disease progression, Biggs explains.