ARTEMiS brings art to teaching of science and engineering concepts
ART for Engineering, Mathematics, and Science an initiative launched last summer through MIT’s Office of Educational Innovation and Technology (OEIT).
Set for launch: student hourly appointment application
Web-based application that automates creating and making changes to hourly paid student appointments at MIT goes live on June 6.
Dresselhaus, Graybiel, Luu receive 2012 Kavli Prizes
Biennial prizes in astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience include a $1 million cash award in each field.
Theater Arts Associate Professor Jay Scheib wins Obie Award
Honored for his production of World of Wires
‘Hockfield Day’ celebrates MIT’s 16th president
Thousands gathered for a fun-filled fete for Susan Hockfield.
Human touch
In many quarters, reaction to L. Rafael Reif’s election as MIT president focuses on his personal qualities.
Slideshow: 2012 MIT Awards Convocation
51 community members receive nearly 30 awards for their service to the Institute.
‘This is a dream I never dared to imagine’
President-elect L. Rafael Reif greets the MIT community — and the world — as the Institute’s next leader.
L. Rafael Reif selected as MIT’s 17th president
As provost since 2005, the president-elect has inspired innovation and played a critical role in the financial stewardship of the Institute.
Cognos reporting tool makes its debut at MIT
IS&T installed this web-based reporting tool last spring and is now doing a soft rollout to the MIT community that includes hands-on classes.
51 community members to receive Institute Awards
Students, faculty and staff will be honored at May 9 ceremony.
An update on the presidential search
The Institute’s 17th president will be selected according to a rigorous process set forth in the bylaws of the MIT Corporation.