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The Washington Post

Michael Rosenwald of The Washington Post writes about John Urschel, an MIT graduate student and Baltimore Ravens offensive lineman, and his love for math and football. “I’m living an amazing quality of life. I get to play football. I get to play math. I get to play chess,” Urschel says.

Sports Illustrated

Writing for Sports Illustrated, Prof. John Leonard explains his analysis of the science behind Deflategate. Leonard writes that he is, “100% convinced that there was no illegal deflation. Understanding why is a tale of two inexpensive digital pressure gauges—the so-called Logo Gauge and the Non-Logo Gauge.”

USA Today

Writing for USA Today about the benefits of exercise, Karen Weintraub spotlights MIT’s physical education requirement. Carrie Sampson Moore, director of physical education, explains that students are able to “establish a pattern of health that will help not only them,” but also prepare them to be “role models for their students and employees” in the future.

USA Today

MIT grad student and NFL player John Urschel speaks with USA Today reporter Charlotte Wilder. Urschel, who occasionally practices with the MIT football team, says that what impresses him about the MIT team is that they play “because they love it. That is something so refreshing and amazing, it’s like no other football team I’ve ever seen in my whole life.”

Only A Game

Prof. John Leonard speaks with Bill Littlefield of NPR’s Only A Game about a local student’s “Deflategate" experiment. Leonard says that “ultimately I think if you can explain things in very simple terms and get at the essence of a concept, that’s the best situation."

CBS News

On CBS This Morning, Prof. John Leonard weighed in on “Deflategate,” validating a local student's experiment that showed how cold weather causes a football to lose pressure. "It's just basic laws of physics, it doesn't matter if you root for the Patriots, or the Eagles, or the Redskins, this is what happens to footballs in cold weather," Leonard said.

USA Today

MIT lecturer Ben Shields writes for USA Today about how Deflategate will impact business for the Patriots. “When all is said and done…the Patriots, the NFL and even Brady all stand to emerge as winners in business over the long-term,” writes Shields. 

San Jose Mercury News

Darren Sabedra of San Jose Mercury News writes about incoming freshman Riley Quinn, who plans to double major in math and business and play football at MIT. Quinn, who was born without a left hand and forearm, wrote in his college essay that he leveraged what “others may call a physical disability as my driving force and motivation to excel at everything I do."


Steve Ginsburg of Reuters writes about the success of the MIT football team. “With 81 Nobel laureates having ties to MIT, the perception of the student body is one of bookish scholars. With 33 varsity sports, however, there aren't just a bunch of academics walking around the Cambridge campus just outside Boston,” writes Ginsburg.

CBS News

Vladimir Duthiers of CBS News reports on the MIT football team’s undefeated season. The team’s head coach, Chad Martinovich, says of the Engineers that, “whether it’s academics, athletics, research, clubs, activities, whatever it is they do, they look to excel.” 

The Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal reporter Ben Cohen writes about the undefeated MIT football team, which has clinched a spot in the Division III playoffs. Cohen writes that while MIT is known for coming up with “scientific advances that change the world,” the school is now “inventing a respectable football team.”