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Straits Times

Researchers with the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology have found that fertilizing the ocean to create plankton blooms could lead to erratic rainfall patterns, reports Audrey Tan for The Straits Times. “This would have a drastic impact on the water cycle, the environment and human livelihoods,” writes Tan.

New York Times

Jane Peterson of The New York Times examines MIT’s research and academic efforts in Singapore. Prof. Thomas Magnanti explains that the Institute’s collaboration with the Singapore University of Technology and Design helps MIT achieve its mission "to create knowledge and educate students to improve the world.”


Chunka Mui of Forbes reports on research from MIT and Stanford that assesses the feasibility of autonomous taxis in modern cities. Using extensive traffic data provided by the Singapore government, the researchers determined a robo-taxi service could potentially handle all of the city’s transportation needs.

The Atlantic

The Atlantic’s Rebecca Rosen reports that researchers at MIT have examined the driving patterns of Singapore residents and found that the city would need one-third of the vehicles currently in use if residents relied on a system of shared, autonomous, driverless cars.