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Forbes contributor Michael T. Nietzel spotlights the newest cohort of Rhodes Scholars, which includes Yiming Chen '24, Wilhem Hector, Anushka Nair, and David Oluigbo from MIT. Nietzel notes that Oluigbo has “published numerous peer-reviewed articles and conducts research on applying artificial intelligence to complex medical problems and systemic healthcare challenges.” 

Associated Press

Yiming Chen '24, Wilhem Hector, Anushka Nair, and David Oluigbo have been named 2025 Rhodes Scholars, report Brian P. D. Hannon and John Hanna for the Associated Press. Undergraduate student David Oluigbo, one of the four honorees, has “volunteered at a brain research institute and the National Institutes of Health, researching artificial intelligence in health care while also serving as an emergency medical technician,” write Hannon and Hanna.


Prof. Benjamin Weiss, director of the MIT Paleomagnetism Lab, speaks with Forbes reporter Bruce Dorminey about the use of paleomagnetism to track the geographic origins of stromatolites. Weiss notes that he and his colleagues published a paper examining the magnetization of stromatolites in the Strelley Pool Chert in Australia’s Pilbara region. The team’s measurements show that these stromatolites formed within 8 degrees latitude of the equator, Weiss explains. 


Michael Truell '21, Sualeh Asif '22, Arvid Lunnemar '22, and Aman Sanger '22 co-founded Anysphere, an AI startup working on developing Cursor, an AI-powered coding assistant, reports Marina Temkin for TechCrunch.

The Boston Globe

MIT researchers have analyzed tiny particles from a distant asteroid and found that a weak magnetic field may have helped form the outer planets in our solar system,  reports Sabrina Lam for The Boston Globe. In the future, the researchers hope to use samples from other celestial bodies to identify magnetic fields in our universe. “An exciting thing that’s probably going to happen in the next few decades,” says Prof. Benjamin Weiss, “is that we’re going to start bringing samples back from comets.”

Popular Science

MIT researchers have created a detailed map showing how the human brain processes information while watching movies, reports Laura Baisas for Popular Science. Using data from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), researchers uncovered 24 different brain networks that are “associated with specific aspects of sensory or cognitive processing,” explains Baisas. 

The Boston Globe

Lithios, a startup cofounded by Mohammad Alkhadra PhD '22 and Prof. Martin Bazant, is developing “a clean and relatively cheap way to access vast amounts of lithium,” reports Hiawatha Bray for The Boston Globe. “Lithios has developed a lithium-absorbing material that can be made into electrodes using the same technologies created to make electrodes for lithium-ion batteries,” explains Bray. 

Quanta Magazine

Three mathematicians, including graduate student Aleksandr Zimin, have disproved the “bunkbed conjecture,” offering “fresh guidance on how to approach related problems in physics about properties of solid materials,” reports Joseph Howlett for Quanta Magazine

New York Times

Researchers at MIT and elsewhere have discovered a “black-hole triple, the first known instance of a three-body system that includes a black hole, which is not supposed to be part of the mix,” reports Dennis Overbye for The New York Times.  The researchers propose that the black hole “could have resulted from a sort of immaculate conception whereby the progenitor star disappeared from the universe without any fireworks.”


Astronomers from MIT and elsewhere have “identified a black hole that appears to have come into being through the collapse of the core of a large star in its death throes, but without the usual blast,” explains Will Dunham for Reuters. “Black holes have previously been spotted orbiting with one other star or one other black hole in what are called binary systems,” explains Dunham. “But this is the first known instance of a triple system with a black hole and two stars.”


Researchers from MIT and elsewhere have discovered a black hole triple – a black hole with two orbiting stars around it at varying distances – for the first time, reports Jess Thomson for Newsweek. The researchers believe this “first-of-its-kind discovery could help unravel the mysteries of how black holes form and how they enter into binaries or triples,” writes Thomson. 

New Scientist

MIT scientists have discovered a complex form of carbon, crucial for life on Earth, outside our solar system for the first time, demonstrating how “the compounds needed for life could come from space,” reports Alex Wilkins for New Scientist. “Now, we’re seeing both ends of this life cycle,” explains Prof. Brett McGuire. He explains that we can see the chemical archaeological record in our solar system in asteroids and on Earth, “and now we’re looking back in time at a place where another solar system will form, and seeing these same molecules there forming. We’re seeing the start of the archaeological record.”

Popular Science

Popular Science reporter Laura Baisas writes that MIT physicists have discovered, for the first time, a black hole triple. “Since the new triple system includes a very far-off star, the system’s black hole was potentially born through [a] gentler direct collapse,” writes Baisas. “While astronomers have been observing violent supernovae for centuries, this new triple system may be the first evidence of a black hole that formed from this more gentle process.” 


Physicists from MIT and Caltech have discovered a black hole triple system, “consisting of three bodies spinning around each other about 7,800 light-years from Earth,” writes Isaac Schultz for Gizmodo. Schultz notes that the finding “pushes the envelope,” revealing “a system with one black hole and two stars—a configuration never seen before.”

The Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Nick Stoico spotlights how researchers from MIT and Caltech have observed a “black hole triple” for the first time. “This one is satisfying because it’s kind of a simple discovery,” explains postdoctoral associate Kevin Burdge. “It’s just looking at a picture, and I think it reminds a lot of astronomers that there’s more to the job than just analyzing complicated data. You shouldn’t forget to do the simple things, like just look with your own eyes at some pictures and see what you find.”