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The Hill

Quentin Palfrey of J-PAL North America writes for The Hill about steps the Commission on Evidence-based Policymaking can take to support research and policymaking. “Analyzing administrative data to adjust government programs may seem like dry, behind-the-scenes work, but when scaled up to redirect national policies, it can have a significant impact on millions of Americans.”

Financial Times

Senior lecturer Robert Pozen writes for The Financial Times about the new money market (mm) reforms. Pozen argues that “in 2017, the SEC should re-consider its new rules on institutional MM funds in light of the actual rise in borrowing costs for banks, companies and local governments.” 

The Washington Post

A letter co-authored by Prof. Kerry Emanuel warns against withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement, writes Chelsea Harvey for The Washington Post. “The U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement would really set back all of our efforts to deal with climate problems,” says Emanuel. 

The Washington Post

Writing for The Washington Post, Prof. Tim Berners-Lee and research scientist Daniel Weitzner examine Senator Ted Cruz’s proposal for the U.S. to control the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). If the U.S. reverses plans “to allow the global Internet community to operate ICANN independently…we risk undermining the global consensus that has enabled the Internet to function and flourish.”

Mercury News

Mercury News reporter Lisa Krieger writes that a letter co-authored by Prof. Kerry Emanuel warns U.S. politicians about the dangers of withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement. “We all reacted with some shock to statements from the Republican platform that would have reversed decades of progress,” said Emanuel. “We felt we had to say something.”


MITEI’s Francis O’Sullivan discusses the role of offshore wind energy in New England with WGBH’s Stephanie Leydon. "Potentially, energy costs will actually fall with offshore wind," said O'Sullivan. He adds that with renewable technologies "you have to spend a lot of money up front to pay for their construction, but you spend nothing on fuel.”

New York Times

A study by Prof. David Autor finds a shift in voting patterns in areas of the country impacted by trade with China, report Binyamin Appelbaum, Patricia Cohen and Jack Healy for The New York Times. “This undercurrent of economically driven dissatisfaction,” Autor explains, “works to the benefit of candidates who are noncentrist, and particularly right-wing candidates.”

The Wall Street Journal

Writing on carbon pricing for The Wall Street Journal, Mark Muro cites MIT research by Professor Valerie Karplus and graduate student Jesse Jenkins. Their research finds that the “‘binding constraints’ of politics keep jurisdictions’ legislated carbon prices low.”

New Scientist

Lisa Grossman writes for New Scientist that a new report from the National Academies urges the U.S. to “get back on the gravitational-wave hunting horse” in support of a space-based detector. MIT Prof. Jacqueline Hewitt, who chaired the report panel, also touted exoplanets research. “The government is getting its money’s worth in terms of the resources it’s been investing in support for scientists,” says Hewitt.

Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Hiawatha Bray writes that Media Lab research affiliate Andrew “bunnie” Huang and NSA contractor-turned-whistleblower Edward Snowden are developing a device to protect journalists’ smartphones from government surveillance. Bray explains that the device will “detect whether a phone is sending or receiving unauthorized radio signals.”

New York Times

New York Times reporter John Markoff writes that during a Media Lab symposium, whistleblower Edward Snowden announced that he is working with research affiliate Andrew Huang to develop a smartphone to protect journalists concerned about government surveillance. Markoff notes that in addition to computer hacking, the conference focused on “controversial scientific research in areas such as genetic engineering and geoengineering.”

Bloomberg News

In an article for Bloomberg View, Noah Smith highlights a paper by Prof. Daron Acemoglu, in which he argues that government is essential to economic development. Smith writes that Acemoglu’s new theory, makes the case that “a strong and effective state…isn’t the bane of innovation -- it’s a necessary and crucial input.”

Boston Globe

Senior Lecturer Robert Pozen writes in The Boston Globe about how to fix the nation’s system for taxing foreign profits of U.S. corporations. Pozen writes that politicians should “find a way to reduce the US corporate tax rate and bring back foreign profits to the United States, while helping rebuild our infrastructure and create jobs.”


Prof. Daniel Hastings, director of SMART, writes for Today that in order to tackle complex social issues, policymakers must have an understanding of science. “Many of the issues faced by Singapore and other societies today are social-technical in nature. Having policymakers equipped with a knowledge in science and technology will be essential to meeting Singapore’s ambitions.”


Maria Zuber, MIT’s vice president for research, speaks with Science’s Jeffrey Mervis about her new role as chair of the National Science Board. “U.S. research and education are really what has kept this country at the forefront,” says Zuber. “I think that even in this environment… research spending ought to still be up.”