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Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times reporter Amina Khan writes that researchers from the LIGO Scientific Collaboration have identified gravitational waves emitted from the smallest black hole they have detected. “Its mass makes it very interesting,” explains Prof. Salvatore Vitale. The discovery, he adds, “really starts populating more of this low-mass region that [until now] was quite empty.”


The late Institute Prof. Emerita Mildred Dresselhaus is featured on MSNBC Live with Velshi & Ruhle’s “Monumental Americans” series, which highlights Americans they believe should be honored with a statue. “Known as ‘the Queen of Carbon Science,’ the electrical engineer worked at MIT for 57 years and was a pioneer for women in science leadership positions.” 

United Press International (UPI)

UPI reporter Brooks Hays writes that an international team of astronomers, including MIT Prof. Saul Rappaport, has detected comets outside the Milky Way. “The distant ice balls, roughly the size of Halley's Comet, were spotted orbiting a small star 800 light-years from Earth. They were documented using transit photometry,” Hays explains. 


MIT research scientist John Wright speaks with Hannah Osborne of Newsweek about a new process developed to heat fusion plasma, raising ions to energy levels greater than previously achieved. Wright explains that, “this method may have applications to more efficient heating of the plasma to the temperatures needed to begin the fusion burn.”

CBC News

CBC News reporter Michael MacDonald spotlights the work of Prof. Sara Seager, who he calls a “certified rock star” in her field, describing everything from her interest in astronomy as a young child to her current search for exoplanets and alien life. McDonald writes that, “ultimately, her research could help answer some of the biggest questions facing humankind.”


Wired reporter Abigail Beall explores the science behind the successful detection of two colliding neutron stars. "It immediately appeared to us the source was likely to be neutron stars, the other coveted source we were hoping to see—and promising the world we would see," says MIT’s David Shoemaker, spokesperson for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration.

Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Eric Moskowitz explores the significance of the first detection of two colliding neutron stars using gravitational wave detectors and telescopes. Moskowitz notes that the discovery offers, “so many immediate and long-term rewards that researchers struggled to pick their favorite part.” Senior Research Scientist Erik Katsavounidis explained that, “It’s like getting a kid in the candy store and telling them to choose.”

Boston Herald

Boston Herald reporter Marie Szaniszlo writes about how the first successful detection of gravitational waves and light emitted from the collusion of two neutron stars has provided insight into gamma rays and heavy elements. Prof. Anna Frebel explains that, “What makes this such an important discovery is that we can actually see element formation in action.”


Channel 7’s Matt Rascon reports on how scientists from LIGO, Virgo and 70 observatories around the world have detected gravitational waves and light emitted from two colliding neutron stars. “For the first time we’re able to put it all together and get a much more complete picture of what nature is doing,” explains Prof. Nergis Mavalvala.


AFP reporter Mariëtte Le Roux writes about how the detection of two colliding neutron stars has provided scientists with new insights into the universe. "It was clear to us within minutes that we had a binary neutron star detection," said MIT’s David Shoemaker, spokesperson for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration. "The signals were much too beautiful to be anything but that.”

The Washington Post

Washington Post reporters Ben Guarino and Sarah Kaplan delve into the first detection of a kilonova using both gravitational wave detectors and telescopes. “It's a monumental thing, a testimony to a lot of people working together,” explains David Shoemaker, a senior research scientist at MIT and spokesperson for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration. 

The Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal reporter Robert Lee Hotz writes that scientists have detected colliding neutron stars and found that the smashups are the source of gold and other heavy elements found throughout the universe. “The neutrons can condense down into the heavy elements—gold, platinum and others—that make pretty jewelry so pretty,” explains MIT’s David Shoemaker. 

National Public Radio (NPR)

MIT’s David Shoemaker, spokesperson for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, speaks with NPR’s Nell Greenfieldboyce about the first detection of colliding neutron stars. Shoemaker recalls the excitement of the discovery, “as we tried to figure out how we could most quickly get the news out to observers to try and make the most of this event."

New York Times

Researchers from the LIGO, Virgo and 70 additional observatories around the world have detected gravitational waves and light from the collision of two neutron stars, reports Dennis Overbye for The New York Times. MIT’s David Shoemaker, the spokesperson for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, described the event as, “joy for all.”

The Washington Post

Prof. Max Tegmark speaks with Jonathan Aberman of The Washington Post about his suggested approach to advancements in artificial intelligence. According to Tegmark, “we need to understand that artificial intelligence is not science fiction any more.”