MIT and Harvard agree to transfer edX to ed-tech firm 2U
Two-part transaction would turn edX into a public benefit company while generously funding a nonprofit dedicated to strengthening the impact of digital learning.
A unique collaboration with US Special Operations Command
Nearly 300 government and military members participated in a new course designed to explore the next generation of artificial intelligence and related technologies.
2021 MITx Prize winners build community on campus and across the globe
MIT instructors honored for creating multidimensional, multidisciplinary online courses that help learners everywhere address real-world problems.
Mastering online learning to level up
Abigael Bamgboye set a course for success in engineering and business management through the MITx MicroMasters program in Data and Economic Development Policy.
MIT students and alumni “hack” Hong Kong Kowloon East
Activating technology for urban life with a virtual site visit to Hong Kong in collaboration with the Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
Lessons from teaching about the pandemic in real-time
Covid-19 class taps experts to help students and the public avoid misinformation as the crisis evolves.
Targeting the human-related numbers behind remote learning
Senior Fiona Chen combines economics research and student advocacy to study the pandemic’s effect on students.
An ocean apart, shared engineering projects catalyze a love of STEM
A collaboration between MIT’s Edgerton Center and Roiti High School in Italy is letting kids take their physics education outside the classroom.
Sparking studies and conversations in Spain
MIT-Spain students deliver virtual learning challenges to over 1,800 Spanish students.
How MIT OpenCourseWare became an educational resource to millions around the world
Celebrating 20 remarkable years, MIT OCW looks to the future, informed by learning needs underscored by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Connecting history with the present moment
Hundreds worldwide join MIT students in experiencing 21H.000 (History of Now: Plagues and Pandemics) as a public series of webinars.
Retrofitting MIT’s deep learning “boot camp” for the virtual world
With technology new and old, instructors try to recreate the interactivity of their pre-Covid classroom.
Virtual bootcamps recruit from a wider world
Two entrepreneurial cohorts prove that big global problems are no match for MIT Bootcampers’ dedication and drive.
Building a more diverse, global, lifelong learning community during the pandemic
In a year of unprecedented disruption, enrollment in online offerings grows by 140 percent at MIT Professional Education.