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Graduate student Jaida Elcock speaks with WBUR reporter Katie Cole to address misconceptions about sharks. "I think that honestly, one of the biggest dangers to humans is humans not understanding what different wildlife is and feeling free enough to touch it," says Elcock. "There's a lot of stuff in the ocean that's venomous or spiny or whatever the case may be. So, if you see it, that's awesome, you take a picture from a safe distance."


A campaign led by RRS Discovery, and Prof. Raffaele Ferrari has found that deep-ocean water rises due to the turbulence created by undersea mountains, reports Paul Voosen for Science. “The turbulence that was found tended to grow with depth. Like a spoon stirring milk into coffee, it was driving water down, not up, says Ferrari,” writes Voosen.

The Guardian

Guardian reporter Rhi Storer spotlights how researchers from the MIT Senseable City Lab developed a self-driving and navigating robot that could be used to help clean up oil spills. “This technology was conceived to be deployed anywhere it was needed – in oceans, rivers, or seas,” explains Prof. Carlo Ratti. “We all need to be accountable for the environment. Some accidents are still bound to occur, so we still need to develop mitigation or cleaning strategies.”