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Nuclear power and reactors

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Displaying 76 - 80 of 80 news clips related to this topic.

PRI’s The World

Prof. Emeritus Ernest Moniz, the U.S. Energy Secretary, speaks with Marco Werman of PRI about his work on the Iran nuclear deal. Moniz explains that he and his Iranian counterpart in negotiations, an MIT alumnus, applied “the MIT problem solving approach…to march through quite a few issues.”


In an article for Newsweek about nuclear energy, Josh Freed highlights Transatomic, a company founded by two MIT PhD candidates to commercialize their concept for a molten salt reactor that can safely burn nuclear waste. 

The Economist

The Economist reports on how MIT researchers have designed a new plan for floating nuclear reactors that would be moored offshore. Moving nuclear reactors offshore would have both economic and safety benefits, The Economist explains. 


“The floating plant design is very much setup like an offshore oil rig in that it has sections going deep underwater,” writes Liat Clark of Wired on research by Professor Jacopo Buongiorno that suggests building offshore nuclear power plants.


Sean Buckley of Engadget reports on a new design concept proposed by Professor Jacopo Buongiorno that calls for the construction of floating nuclear power plants to be placed several miles off shore. These facilities, anchored in deep water, would be virtually immune to natural disasters such as tsunamis and earthquakes.